Body Jewellery blog talking about all things body jewellery From Labrets to Flesh Plugs
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Voodoo Piercings- Body Jewellery-Flesh-Plug-This flesh plug is produced in ultra smooth white PMMA acrylic. The hello Kitty design is vividly brought to life and sealed in place with a glossy clear acrylic finish. The plug is light weight in design with a double rim for a secure and comfortable fit.
Available from our Amazon store soon
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Russian Doll Ikon Flesh Plug
Russian Doll Ikon Flesh Plug
The tradition of Russian dolls comes from 1890s and its suppose to represent the mother (Matryoshka) figure being the largest doll and the smaller dolls are her children hiding under her skirts. This flesh plug shows a traditional doll with her red scarf and yellow dress all with a bright pink background. It’s made to the highest standards from PMMA acrylic, with a smooth glossy finish for easy cleaning and comfortable wear. The plug has a lightweight but sturdy feel and the classic flared edges for a comfortable secure fit
Monday, 8 October 2012
How to stretch your ears safely
.......................................................................................Stretching is a form of body modification that involves expanding a fully healed piercing predominantly an earlobe. Stretching is the means of gradually enlarging the original pierced hole to enable a larger piece of jewellery, usually a flesh plug or flesh tunnel. The hole is enlarged by gently stretching the tissue around the pierced lobe. The newly created hole is kept open using a taper while the tissue heals. Once totally healed the process can be repeated again until you reach your required size. Many people refer to the process using the term “gauging” The information below is our way to show you how to safely expand your ears and medical advice should be taken if you have any concerns.
.....................................................................................Well, first your going to need your ear pierced. After a fresh piercing its advisable to wait between 4-6 months, assuming there were no complications with the healing process. A standard piercing with a gun from the likes of a “Claire’s” or other similar stores will generally 0.8mm to 1mm. So you should be OK to start stretching up to a 1.2mm, if you were pierced at a piercing studio, your ears were probably pierced at 1.2mm so you can go for a 1.6mm, you always want to be stretching just one size bigger than your are at the moment. Remember it’s a marathon not a sprint, so take your time!
.....................................................................................So now you know what size you are, its time to rush off and get some “Tapers”. Tapers, Expanders or Stretchers are slender rods that narrow at one end, and are used to help expand your piercing hole. Now when you are still stretching your lobes you should only use smooth non-porous materials. These can then be easily removed and thoroughly cleaned, generally I would recommend Surgical Steel, Titanium, Glass or Acrylic as good materials to start to stretch with, but people have been stretching there ears for thousands of years, well before those materials were ever even discovered. To start with clean your hands and the taper with hot water and some antibacterial soap. Take your taper small end first and insert into the hole GENTLY push the taper as far as it will easily go, you may find a small amount of lubricant will help with this process. Now it will feel uncomfortable, but at no point should it be really sore and it should never bleed, listen to what your body is telling you go slowly, if you try and stretch too quick this may causes permanent damage to your lobe. Leave the taper in the ear, wait for your ear to cool down before continuing. Now take your flesh plug, flesh tunnel and hold it against the large end of the taper, as if it were part of the taper itself. Finish by pushing the taper through your ear and insert your new plug and you're done.
.....................................................................................Clean your stretched lobes at least once a day with a saline solution (salt water). Dissolve 14 of teaspoon of sea salt in a clean cup of boiling water, then let the water cool down, and soak your new stretched area. Sea salt (non-ionised) is better than regular table salt, which can contain chemicals that can cause troubles with your healing process. I find using a cup is the easiest way to apply the solution to your ears as you can submerge your lobes straight into the cup and let them soak for a couple of minutes or so. I wouldn’t use the saline solution more than a couple of times a day, but if you have stretched properly there should be no damage to your lobes so no need to treat them like a fresh piercing. Try to keep your ears clean, remove your jewellery daily and wash your lobes with a antibacterial soap. With any ear stretching the holes can build up a layer of dead skin, bacteria and sweat, this smelly oily substance is called sebum and needs to be cleaned on a regular basis. The build up of sebum is greatly reduced by wearing organic jewellery e.g. wood, bone etc these natural materials allow your skin to breathe more. You should massage your lobes with a little olive oil, only when your jewellery can be removed easily and doesn’t feel tight fitting any more, as this will increase the blood flow to your lobe and helps the healing process.
.....................................................................................There is no straight answer for this question, it’s all down to the individual. In general I would say stay smaller than 8mm and it’s a pretty safe bet that they will shrink back to normal, but everyone is different there are a few things that can affect how your shrinkage will turn out
.....................................................................................How quick you stretched up in the first place if you have went to fast you might damaged your lobes and left some scar tissue that might not shrink back.
.....................................................................................How long you gave your ears to rest and heal between stretches
.....................................................................................Your own skins elasticity as everybody is unique there is no way of being sure.
Ear stretching can be permanent body modification and as such should be taken seriously. Don’t be put off by this, but think carefully before you stretch up to big, and don’t just do it because your mates think its cool.
.....................................................................................It’s not uncommon to find one ear stretches faster than the other. This can down to a number of reasons the most common cause is scar tissue due to expanding to quick from your previous stretch. Scar tissue is more difficult to stretch, its not impossible, it just means you have to go a lot slower as there is a higher risk of infection or in extreme cases a blow out (see below). Just take your time, it will still stretch, but it can take a long time so please be patient.
.....................................................................................One of the most common problems with stretching your ears is a blowout. The rim inside your Stretched lobe is called a fistula. If you stretch up to quickly it can be forced out the back of your ear by the pressure, creating a lip of skin around the back of the jewellery. Replace your jewellery with a smaller size and allow the blowout to be reabsorbed back into your ear. I you leave it, theirs a chance the lobe will heal in its blown out shape making it difficult to repair.
.....................................................................................Apart from the obvious spikes on some jewellery that could stick into you, or your partner whilst sleeping some tunnels and plugs have sharp edges, that can dig into your skin by lying on them. Wood and bone tunnels fragile by nature and might break is rolled on during the night. The only items we can safely recommend for wearing while sleeping are soft silicon plugs and tunnels. All other items carry a degree of risk.
.....................................................................................Many people have the problem of not being able to fit or remove there double flared or saddle plugs. By their design double flared or saddled plugs have flares on both ends and have slightly larger ends than the circumference around the middle. The trick with getting them in is to use lubrication, this should help to get them in and out easily. Also you will want to insert them at a slight angle don’t try to force them straight into your ears it will be much harder for them to fit through. Inserting them at a slight angle gives them enough leverage to slip in easier. Remove double flared saddled plugs from your ears every day, as leaving them in your ears for week’s at a time, the ear will shrink back around the smaller centre of the plug making it much harder to remove. Be sensible take them out and clean your ears regularly
.....................................................................................Jojoba oil is a great product. Its best uses are to keep lobes moisturised and reduce scar tissue. By massaging jojoba oil daily on your lobes, it helps to thicken them up over time and to keep the blood flowing around the lobes. It can help to reduce the size of blowouts if used daily. It's also handy to use jojoba oil on wooden jewellery to keep the pieces looking fresh and polished. All you need to do is take a small drop onto your fingers and polish the jojoba oil into the jewellery to give a beautiful shine and enhance the natural colour of the wood.
.....................................................................................If you have slight bleeding then treat as you would any wound. Clean the ear regularly uses a saline solution. After any bleed always wear a sterilized surgical steel item until your ear is totally healed. Stretching causes small tears in your ears so infection is possible. The most common cause of infection is dirty hands. Some slight swelling and redness around the area after a stretch are normal, but if your earlobe is leaking pus, you could have an infection so go to the doctor to get it checked out.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Got Wood
Voodoo Piercings presents one of its ranges of their Wooden Organic Flesh Plugs. Wood, Bone, Shell and other Natural materials have been used for thousands of years for jewellery because of their lightweight, comfort, natural beauty and colors.
This piece has a beautiful dark Indian Rose wood shell with a Coconut inlay to give it strong contrasting colors and textures. Intricately carved and seamlessly fixed together to give this very striking design. The flesh plug is lightweight and designed with shaped Rosewood wearing surface for a comfortable and secure fit the Coconut wood center features a carved concave style creating a dimpled look to the front face of the plug. The wood has been smoothed and gently polished to enhance the natural patterned and contrasting grains. The plug is lightweight in design and makes a great choice of jewellery giving a very natural look and also with excellent bio-compatibility for those with allergies
Available from £4.99
This piece has a beautiful dark Indian Rose wood shell with a Coconut inlay to give it strong contrasting colors and textures. Intricately carved and seamlessly fixed together to give this very striking design. The flesh plug is lightweight and designed with shaped Rosewood wearing surface for a comfortable and secure fit the Coconut wood center features a carved concave style creating a dimpled look to the front face of the plug. The wood has been smoothed and gently polished to enhance the natural patterned and contrasting grains. The plug is lightweight in design and makes a great choice of jewellery giving a very natural look and also with excellent bio-compatibility for those with allergies
Available from £4.99
Friday, 16 March 2012
Sugar and Spice
Mexican Day of the dead Sugar Skull Flesh Plug
Voodoo Piercings- Body Jewellery-Flesh-Plug-This flesh plug is produced in ultra smooth jet black PMMA acrylic. The Sugar Skull design is vividly brought to life and sealed in place with a glossy clear acrylic finish. The plug is light weight in design with a double rim for a secure and comfortable fit.
Avaliable from our Amazon store in the following sizes 3.2mm, 4mm, 5mmm, 6.5mm, 8mm, 9.2mm, 10mm and 12mm All for only £4.99
Voodoo Piercings- Body Jewellery-Flesh-Plug-This flesh plug is produced in ultra smooth jet black PMMA acrylic. The Sugar Skull design is vividly brought to life and sealed in place with a glossy clear acrylic finish. The plug is light weight in design with a double rim for a secure and comfortable fit.
Avaliable from our Amazon store in the following sizes 3.2mm, 4mm, 5mmm, 6.5mm, 8mm, 9.2mm, 10mm and 12mm All for only £4.99
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Rose Belly/Navel Bar
Double Rose with gem leaves Belly Bar
Avaliable in Red,Purple,Black, Blue and Pink £4.99
Double Rose with gem leaves Belly Bar
Avaliable in Red,Purple,Black, Blue and Pink £4.99
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Voodoo Piercings
Nowadays, as well as being a beauty accessory, body jewellery is more
commonly worn as a statement of one’s personality. Wearing nose studs,
eyebrow jewellery and belly bars has become so common and people are
concerned that by wearing them, they will not stand out from the crowd;
but this does not need to be the case. It is now possible to design your
own piece of jewellery which can then be custom made, allowing you to
wear something striking that still reflects your personality.
Different jewellery can suit different people. Some may opt for plain colours like gold or silver, whereas others can choose to turn their jewellery into something more individual, maybe by incorporating precious stones, such as gemstones or diamonds.
Navel piercing is a fairly modern creation and it is arguable that the idea for the belly bar was inspired by the creation of the bikini. Women’s navels appeared more sexually provocative than before and so belly bars are now worn as a way to accentuate this. Belly bars can provide you with a sexy and exotic look, but it is important to first ascertain what type of belly button you have in order to find what type of belly bar would fit you perfectly. When deciphering on which belly bar will suit you best, you will be spoilt for choice as they come in a wide range of shapes, sizes and colours.
This also goes for nose studs. Nose studs can be made from various materials including steel, titanium, gold, silver, platinum and acrylic. It is therefore important to choose your nose stud carefully in case of any allergies you may have. Even though, nose piercings are the most common of their kind (after ear piercings), nose studs themselves are generally quite small and subtle. Nose studs however, are worn in some civilisations as part of a culture. In Indian, for example, women often wear nose studs in their left nostril in the belief that it will make childbirth a much easier process as the left side of the body is supposedly linked to the female reproductive organs.
Of all the various body jewellery available, eyebrow jewellery is relatively new. It first reared its head in the 1970’s when it was worn by the punk subculture as a fashion statement. In today’s society, this idea of a fashion statement still applies and eyebrow jewellery itself can come in various forms, including bars or rings. Eyebrow jewellery is easy enough to change on a regular basis in order to reflect your change in mood or just to suit different occasions.
In magazines or on the television, it is common for us to see some of our favourite celebrities showing off various forms of body jewellery. Whatever you choose to get pierced, you can pride yourself in knowing that you are giving yourself the opportunity to show off your personality and wear an item of well-crafted jewellery at the same time.
Different jewellery can suit different people. Some may opt for plain colours like gold or silver, whereas others can choose to turn their jewellery into something more individual, maybe by incorporating precious stones, such as gemstones or diamonds.
Navel piercing is a fairly modern creation and it is arguable that the idea for the belly bar was inspired by the creation of the bikini. Women’s navels appeared more sexually provocative than before and so belly bars are now worn as a way to accentuate this. Belly bars can provide you with a sexy and exotic look, but it is important to first ascertain what type of belly button you have in order to find what type of belly bar would fit you perfectly. When deciphering on which belly bar will suit you best, you will be spoilt for choice as they come in a wide range of shapes, sizes and colours.
This also goes for nose studs. Nose studs can be made from various materials including steel, titanium, gold, silver, platinum and acrylic. It is therefore important to choose your nose stud carefully in case of any allergies you may have. Even though, nose piercings are the most common of their kind (after ear piercings), nose studs themselves are generally quite small and subtle. Nose studs however, are worn in some civilisations as part of a culture. In Indian, for example, women often wear nose studs in their left nostril in the belief that it will make childbirth a much easier process as the left side of the body is supposedly linked to the female reproductive organs.
Of all the various body jewellery available, eyebrow jewellery is relatively new. It first reared its head in the 1970’s when it was worn by the punk subculture as a fashion statement. In today’s society, this idea of a fashion statement still applies and eyebrow jewellery itself can come in various forms, including bars or rings. Eyebrow jewellery is easy enough to change on a regular basis in order to reflect your change in mood or just to suit different occasions.
In magazines or on the television, it is common for us to see some of our favourite celebrities showing off various forms of body jewellery. Whatever you choose to get pierced, you can pride yourself in knowing that you are giving yourself the opportunity to show off your personality and wear an item of well-crafted jewellery at the same time.
Spider Man
Voodoo Piercings-This flesh tunnel uses the latest laser cutting technology this clean cut and well finished web design and is produced from premium grade surgical steel then polished to a high shine. The flesh tunnel is perfect for easy smooth insertion with a light weight comfort fitting double flared rim
Available in 6.5mm, 8mm, 9.2mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 19mm and 22mm starting from £5.99 from or Amazon store with the Link above
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Early Origins of Body Piercing
Aboriginal Australians practised penile sub-incision and elongating of the labia. The pre-Egyptian, Nubian civilisation elongated their skulls and used a simple technique to make tattoos. Later, ancient Egyptians practised ear piercing while ancient South American cultures, like the Mayans and Aztecs, ritually pierced their tongues for blood offerings.
Native North American tribes, and the Inuit of what is now Canada, used lip piercings and wore bone jewellery, which has now been reinvented as the labret stud. They also used ear piercing as a status symbol, where even the act of piercing the ear was a celebrated ritual that was undertaken at great cost to the piercee; so showing how wealthy the piercee was.
The peoples of the pacific islands have practised the piercing of ears, noses, genitals and lobe stretching for generations. The men of Borneo, for example, would pierce the Ampallang, as did the men in the early history of the Filipino people, while the women of Borneo (and central Africa) practised piercing and stretching of the labia in an effort to attract a suitable husband.
Early Body Jewellery
The discovery of jewellery dating back to the bronze ages in Europe and the British Isles shows that the peoples of that time probably pierced and stretched their lobes with heavy bronze jewellery.
The 'Kama Sutra', which was probably written in India as long as 1,500 years ago, describes the practise of male genital piercing as a sexual aid. The gladiators of ancient Rome and the athletes of ancient Greece pierced the scrotum and the foreskin for the practical purpose of keeping their genitals out of their way while performing in sport and combat. But this practice was also used in ancient Rome, ancient Greece and also in South East Asia (where the horizontal Palang piercing was used) to prevent slaves, and convicts, from engaging in sexual activity.
Body Piercing During the Middle Ages
During Europe's Middle Ages (from around 1000-1300AD), it may have been a combination of poor economy and strict religious dogma, which created a cultural atmosphere that suppressed the individuals freedom to experiment and practise body modification. Those times were also troubled by plague, and so people may have been more wary of physical defects, such as marks on the skin or of sores and perforations on the body. But the following renaissance had Europeans leaving their shores in larger ships to explore further and seek new resources and goods to trade back home. It was from this time that Europe was re-introduced to tattooing and body modifications.
Elizabethan sailors encountered tribes-people, who would pierce their ears, which they believed would help to improve their eyesight; an appealing proposition to seafarers whose eyesight was all-important. Sailors and Explorers would also report and record examples of intricate Polynesian tattoos, now remembered by many descendants of those seafarers on their own skin.
The French began piercing the “Guiche” after seeing it done by the natives of Samoa as a rite of passage. Later, French Legionnaires took up the practice of piercing the “Hafada” which is the crease on the side of the scrotum; a practise influenced by their encounters with the people of the Middle East.
The Prince Albert Piercing
Though it is possible that the Prince Albert was so named after the actual Prince Regent, it’s introduction may be more closely related to the expansion of the British Empire into India and its practise there. It was originally referred to as a ‘dressing-ring’ and was used to hook the penis inside the trousers so they would not create an ‘unsightly’ bulge.
The Victorian age, however, was notorious for its sexual perceptions, which were well documented as being repressive and repulsed by any sexual thought and act. Pornography, fetishism, homosexuality and Sado-masochism were, however, prolific, though always on the ‘hush-hush’. Any reference to body modification always carried the stigma of being primitive, while the Victorians considered themselves to be the very embodiment of the word ‘civilisation’. The sexual undertones in body piercing were an example of its ‘heathen’ and ‘Godless’ origins and so it became an abhorrent act that no ‘normal’ or ‘decent’ person would consider.
Body Piercing Renaissance
The firmly conservative nature of many European Nations, since then, had confined the act of body modification to those ‘undesirable sub-cultures’. It wasn’t until the late 1950’s to the 1960’s, when many social sexual-perceptions were being challenged, and explored, that the opportunity to reintroduce body modification was possible. In fact, it was the members of those ‘undesirable’ sub-cultures that had fanned at the flame of body piercing and not the criminal, uncivilised slice of society’s pie.
Inspired by their involvement in the Gay and Sado-Masochist scenes in the U.S, Jim Ward, Fakir Musafar and Doug Malloy are names most frequently connected to the Body Piercing renaissance. It was their ingenuity (as well as the unique tastes of their clientele) that pushed them to re-explore the boundaries. Where jewellery could be placed; how to do it in the most hygienic way available, and who developed the simplest and most serviceable jewellery to make those piercings last longer, and experience less complications. Though others have played significant roles in developing and expanding the practise, as well as the philosophy of Body piercing.
First Body Piercing Studios
Many tattoo studios had performed some piercing as a sideline to their business, but when Jim Ward opened ‘Gauntlet’, in the late 1970’s, it was the first studio to provide a piercing service only. He also published
(piercing fans international quarterly) in the late 70's, the first piercing interest magazine.
In the late 70’s and early 80’s, the British Punk sub-culture used piercing as another means of shocking the social order of the time, but it was almost always with a very D.I.Y approach, using safety pins. By the eighties, this act, performed by primitive man, by fledgling civilisations and mighty empires, was being kept alive in the growing cities of the developed world, not by the criminals and socially outcast, but by bank managers, lawyers, businessmen, musicians, students and fishermen.
Jim Ward is reputed to have made the right kinds of changes to the way that a piercing is performed and the type of jewellery used and he is responsible for developing the jewellery we now use, called the Ball Closure Ring. But making the right type of jewellery was time consuming and expensive. Industry, however, was changing rapidly and it wasn’t until purpose built and carefully finished jewellery, made of medical standard metals, could be produced with greater ease, speed and in increased volume, that body piercing would be accessible to more people.
When Wildcat opened in Brighton, the accessibility to medical quality jewellery and equipment made the practise itself more accessible to people as a whole. Celebrities began to get pierced, so de-sensitising the numb-minded mass of tabloid magazine readers and the drooling zombies of the T.V-nations, which sparked a much more acceptable kind of curiosity.
Parents now, more often than not, eagerly sign the consent form on behalf of their children, while body piercing studios are becoming regulated by, not only their local authorities, but also the stake that a body piercer places on a good reputation. Many old and negative stereotypes do not conform to the current ‘look’ or ‘function’ of a studio, thanks to the endeavours of those people, like Jim Ward, who persisted with their dream, and the dream from the dawn of man.
Put a Bullet in your ear

sizes-4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm,10mm
Made from sugical steel with double O ring try something different £4.99 available from Voodoo Piercings Amazon store
Friday, 27 January 2012
I run a Amazon web site that sells Body Jewellery like Labrets, Plugs, Tunnels, Tongue Bars, Belly Bars, Nipple Shields, Eyebrow Bars, Spirals, Expander, Stretchers, Barbells and Retainers
The idea behind this blog is as I list different Items and find interesting things to blog about in the jewellery world I can post them here HUGE LONG LINK BELOW
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